Friday, February 24, 2012

New Beginnings!

Hey everyone its been a crazy week! But when isn't a crazy week! My poor little Ava got an allergic reaction to peanuts and now I have to carry with an Epi Pen everywhere we go and avoid all nuts until we find out from the allergist what exactly she is allergic to and to what extent we have to protect her. I was reading, peanut allergies are very common but very severe and that some people can't even be touched by someone who has touched a peanut. That there are schools just for kids that have peanut allergies. Now all these thoughts go in my head like when she starts school we have to be extra careful, what if she eats something that she doesn't know that has peanut in it. Now I have to read all the labels!!! It's just got me thinking some crazy things! I swear I know we not supposed to compare kids, I know this but come on! I am so not prepared for all of this cause Layla never had to deal with this, she spent two days in the hospital after that she is hardly ever sick (knock on wood) but my poor Ava, ear infections, so many I lost count, constant fevers, specialist for her ears and now this! I just hope when we go to the allergist, everything comes out OK. I mean have you seen an EPI Pen those things look so scary!
 One look at that thing and I imagined in my head the day I would have to use it and I freaked the hell out! So hopefully I will never need to use it!

On a lighter note, I start school tomorrow. Yes I am going back to school and I must say I am really excited! About four years ago I worked at a hospital for a billing company and though I worked in the administrative/compliance side of things I picked up a little of the billing and coding and always wanted to pursue it. But as you know life happens I was offered my current position for way more money and I left the hospital for where I am now. In the past few months I have had to reevaluate my current job and not just for financial reasons but for my own personal growth, so after careful thought I decided to go back to what I use to do and expand on it. So I am going back to school for medical billing and coding! Its a year long program that is every Saturday. Now I know at first this commitment was a bit hard I mean my days are filled as it is and then to give up my Saturday but I don't see it as giving up my Saturday, I see it as in one year I would have completed something that will hopefully land me a good job that not only will put me in a better financial position but will also allow me to grow. I mean it may not be the most exciting career but I know I will do good in it because I have an interest for it! Hopefully I am not the oldest pupil in class tomorrow! LOL I will report back!

Then on Sunday I will be doing something so out of my comfort zone that I am totally freaked out and scared out my mind. I am auditioning for Listen to your Mother NYC , it's a show where people read stories on aspects of motherhood! I saw someone post the call for auditions on twitter like a month ago, I followed the link and the next thing I know I was sending out an email and booking and audition. Now I am so scared you guys it's not even funny. I wrote my piece in one day, I sent it to my sister, and she edited for me but I haven't read it to anyone out loud, and I have to read it on Sunday to a room of people to see if they pick me. Did I mention I am TERRIFIED! I am and to top it off there are so many other things I want to talk and write about that now I am second guessing myself! I know I will do fine and at this point I really don't care if I get picked or not for the big show. I did something that is so not like me. One I followed through on something, well at least I will when I audition on Sunday. I am stepping out my comfort zone and trying new things. 

This is why this weekend is a turning point for me. For years I have "talked" about going back to school but always made an excuse as to why I couldn't, Layla was too little, I was pregnant with Ava, I have no time, I have no money! All were common in my house but this year I just said the hell with it, I needed to go back to school,  I needed to find some kind of focus on what I wanted to do and dammit it feels good! I am going to school for a specific purpose and I can see my goal as very attainable! Also auditioning for this show is so out of character for me, it really feels good to just do something because you know it feels right. I want to take my writing and this blog to another level and this is the path to do it! At the end of the day I can finally say I tried! Where in the past my fear stopped me from doing things like this now I can say, I set out to do something and I did it! Feels really good  I must say!


  1. Congrats on going back to school! You can do it :)

    And break a leg Sunday - I'll be rooting for you!

    1. Thank you I appreciate it. I have rehearsed or anything! I will just wing it! LOL

  2. So happy for you! Good luck in EVERYTHING!

  3. Wow! You are so awesome, what a role model to your kids and women all over the world! Those saturdays will fly by, and you will be better for it. Sunday's auditions were great: what an experience whether or not we get the gig is just icing on the cake. (BUT BELIEVE ME, I SO WANT THE ICING!) Good luck to you girl, and don't see your twitter handle here, but mine is @returntoworkmom. Find me, and i'll find you too! best of luck to you, and hope you get good news from LTYM!

    1. Thank you so much!!! I appreciate it! Yes I would love the icing too!

  4. Girl take it from a mom of 4 who puts everyone before herself, taking Saturdays to do something for you is going to be a blast! You're investing in your future, your family's future and you're going to do great!
    I hear u on the peanut scare. My son is 3 and after having his first and only m&m with peanuts last year, he vomitted all over him, me and the kitchen wall he was standing near. He then had the runs. Thankfully I had children's Claritin on hand and gave it to him right away then took him to our pediatrician. Our doc said it was definitely an allergic reaction but we should wait a bit Longer to test him, in the meantime no nuts at all. Since then I've warned everyone left and right nit to give him anything with nuts in it and my MiL and SiL have done it once each. GRRR. And I did blow up. And now, well, they're not speaking to me. LOL. But what scares me most is school. Peanutbutter and jelly is a darn staple in these schools. I feel like putting a label on his forehead that says nut allergy. So I totally know ur fear girl. Hope Ava is feeling better and looking forward to hearing the results of her testing.

    1. Yes! I have an epi pen at home and one in her bag because the doctor said do to the fact that she was coughing and puffy in the face the allergic reaction was very severe so now everyone knows nothing with nuts! We get the results in two weeks I will keep everyone posted!
