Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Vomit, Tantrums, Football and Birthday Cake!!!

This past Sunday was my birthday!!! Remember this blog post where I wished for a nice quiet birthday!!! Well I didn't get quite what I had wished for!!! The drama all started at 12:37 am Sunday morning! You may ask why I know the exact time, well its kind of hard to forget a two year old running into your room coughing in your face and about to throw up!!! Thank god we made it to the bathroom, once she was cleaned up and had some meds it took a few more minutes to get her to go back to sleep and then my day started!!! Just about every hour on the hour she woke up coughing and coughing and crying because she really cant spit up the stuff she has in her throat! So when I finally got her to go to bed for more than an hour straight it was about 645 am. At about 7:30 am the other one decides to wake up and announce that she needs to go to the bathroom, by coming to my bed waking me up and doing the Pee-Pee dance in front of me and then yelling at the top of her lungs that she wants milky and breakfast! So yeah I am a party animal up all night long people!!!!

After that final wake up call, it was mommy duties for the rest of the day! Making breakfast, cleaning up, being referee and everything else that comes along! At around noon I decided I needed fresh air so I ran away! I ran for dear life!! I got dressed took my $100 MasterCard gift card and headed to target to see if I can find some decent maternity jeans! Mission accomplished on that front! Then it was back home to fight over the TV with my husband, he wants to watch football and I want to watch Snapped on oxygen! 

Then finally my sister in law came by which added two more kids to the mix! We threw ourselves on my bed and gossiped for a while! You know you been a mom for a while when you don't even flinch at the sound of a cry! You know the difference between a whiny cry and a call 911 cry! So as the kids fought over my birthday balloons and ran up and down my hallway we got to watch snapped and catch up for awhile! Always great to catch up with a girlfriend even if your background noise is 4 wailing kids!

But I must say, I didn't go out any where "special", I didn't get alone "me" time, hell I didn't even get an hour of uninterrupted sleep but the best moment of the day was this one right here:
     My daughters, my niece and my nephew singing me Happy Birthday! Layla still can't believe my age has two numbers in it! LMAO (Oh and before I forget my husband did cook my favorite of his dishes Fried Ribs smothered in BBQ sauce) So yeah OK! I didn't get to sleep all day and just lie around doing nothing! But hey as a mom do you really get a chance to do that! Not really! Well unless you plan it months in advance, hire an sitter and leave the country! LMAO

It was a great day in the grand scheme of things! Ava got over her cough, so I did get sleep that night, the girls got to visit with their cousins, I got to hang out with my sister and sister in law and my husband cooked me my favorite dish! So I am a lucky lady! Surrounded by great family, now all I need to do is invest in a door lock for my bedroom and maybe I will be able to sleep in on a Sunday morning!